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:: Total Payout: 6,766.22

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Finished Contest Top Clickers List (From 01/May/2023 - 00:00 To 31/May/2023 - 23:59)
1kathryndale1450250 cents
2deardorothy1443240 cents
3astrabird1383930 cents
4jtqubix868220 cents
5liora727515 cents
6tippi634812 cents
7stxcetto558610 cents
8trimpex49189 cents
9penguins45228 cents
10dimamastac19657 cents
11belle14746 cents
12infinitecreator11995 cents
13leotte19495 cents
14apmassociates7935 cents
15anto987774 cents
16eugenell7154 cents
17bearseverywhere6234 cents
18paradis6154 cents
19quark15383 cents
20mkd19935243 cents
21dave23195123 cents
22rbnlovespoh5073 cents
23fay4733 cents
24vasil14632 cents
25mmassoglia4332 cents
26aliessole3872 cents
27lizpicabo3202 cents
28mdaio3052 cents
29devasgramma2822 cents
30uzhas2152 cents
31whocares1941 cent
32thor341891 cent
33theherards61871 cent
34cfthn1861 cent
35dante33esteves1841 cent
36pengies1831 cent
37apple3331581 cent
38olga253721561 cent
39limche1561 cent
40dansbanners1201 cent
41westenbrink1165000 points
42astrovaz12341115000 points
43marian1085000 points
44lucruapl985000 points
4521abutterflyb5885000 points
46gremie2875000 points
47debrarathbun855000 points
48siriina775000 points
49bigal655000 points
50rob8283645000 points
51cyber543000 points
52icy0419523000 points
53knasen8318523000 points
54dmcguire30493000 points
55dimitrovfiodor483000 points
56dannybear483000 points
57tootsy1974453000 points
58jolandadewaal453000 points
59gvk11373000 points
60venben253000 points
61kiekediefje252000 points
62ckimnbay172000 points
63hh2792000 points
64jeanetteha42000 points
65watcord42000 points
66mirkka32000 points
67smily2us22000 points
68defiant22000 points
69wepver12000 points
70catann3212000 points